Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Fresh Start.. SGT Carter

So I know that my husband would have picked up this past month even if we were still at Ft. Bliss because points are the same all over the world, however I feel so happy that he picked up here in Japan. That is right people Kendall picked up SGT today, and I got to pin him. It was so much fun! I even got to punch him in the chest. I have to say that I am so proud of my husband on this accomplishment. I know that it means a lot to him, as it should. He past his boards almost 2 years ago but with points never dropping and then the change in the point system totally slowed this whole process down. I am excited to see what kind of Sgt he is going to be, I know that he will be great at it. And I am excited to say that I am now a NCO wife, small stride in my own life lol. Tonight after his promotion we went to chilis for dinner, and I leaned over the table and whispered "Hey babe, does this mean I am not an enlisted spouse anymore?" He said, " yes babe lol". Hey for a stay at home mom, I can get excited about the littlest things. So today marked a great milestone in my husbands Army career, and with a new position comes a fresh start.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tadake Falls

One of the great advantages of living in Okinawa is all the hiking and waterfalls you can go too. We made great friends with a couple here on island, and it did not take long until we were planning our first hiking adventure. Actually let me correct myself, the men completely planned this trip. That being said although the Tadake Waterfall was very pretty we would have considered maybe not taking the kiddos with us. Getting to the Tadake Falls yet again following the mens directions was a bit challenging, the men completely disregarded the directions from a local man and decided to go the way they wanted. Which ended up being about a hour and a half out of our way. But once we got there we were relieved and yet concerned for this hike is actually a hike completely through water, there is not a solid trail.

The hike through the water was actually not that bad with only a few instances where I was like hmm this is dangerous. I say this because when the water is higher it would be pretty hard to get through the water without swimming. So previous hikers have placed ropes along the way to help you climb up and down rocks and get across parts of the river. Baileigh and Brees enjoyed walking though the water and throwing the occasional rock . The hike itself is about 25 minutes, which went by pretty quick. Right before we got to the waterfall it got really quite which was creapy in my opinion. That did not last long though, a quick turn around a corner and ta da we were at tadake waterfall. It  was so pretty, we were all amazed.