Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Fresh Start.. SGT Carter

So I know that my husband would have picked up this past month even if we were still at Ft. Bliss because points are the same all over the world, however I feel so happy that he picked up here in Japan. That is right people Kendall picked up SGT today, and I got to pin him. It was so much fun! I even got to punch him in the chest. I have to say that I am so proud of my husband on this accomplishment. I know that it means a lot to him, as it should. He past his boards almost 2 years ago but with points never dropping and then the change in the point system totally slowed this whole process down. I am excited to see what kind of Sgt he is going to be, I know that he will be great at it. And I am excited to say that I am now a NCO wife, small stride in my own life lol. Tonight after his promotion we went to chilis for dinner, and I leaned over the table and whispered "Hey babe, does this mean I am not an enlisted spouse anymore?" He said, " yes babe lol". Hey for a stay at home mom, I can get excited about the littlest things. So today marked a great milestone in my husbands Army career, and with a new position comes a fresh start.

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